Hello everyone, I am very happy to introduce Sendai's Sensei's very first French teacher! Sebastian Monnet has been teaching French in Japan for a long time. He is a very friendly person and a
highly skilled French teacher. His students thoroughly enjoy his lessons because he is a fantastic teacher with a great personality.
みなさん、こんにちは。Sendai's Senseiで初めてフランス語の先生を紹介します!セバスチャン モネ先生は日本で長年フランス語を教えてきました。とてもフレンドリーでフランス語を教えるスキルがとても高い先生です。素晴らしい人柄の先生なので生徒の皆さんは彼とのレッスンをとても楽しんでいます。
Here at Sendai's Sensei, we are beginning to expand into other languages, as well as other areas of Japan. Sebastian lives and works in Anjo City, in Aichi prefecture. He is very excited to join
us and we are very pleased to have him on board.
これからSendai's Senseiでは英語だけではなく他の言語も教え始めます。 セバスチャンは愛知県の安城市に住んで仕事をしています。彼がSendai's Senseiの先生の新たに加わってくれてとても嬉しく思っています。
If you live in the Nagoya area and you are interested in studying French, please contact Sebastian for a private lesson. Or, if you do not live in the Nagoya area and you are interested in trying
a Skype lesson, be sure to contact Sebastian.
Growing up in Canada, I studied French for five years. Unfortunately, I did not study very hard and my French skills are not as good as I would like them to be! I would really like to begin
studying French again though, it is a beautiful, interesting language. Are you interested in studying French? If you are, contact Sebastian as soon as possible!
He is looking forward to hearing from you!
Be sure to contact Sebastian if you are interested in studying French everyone!
Sebastian Monnet / モネ セバスチャン(フランス語担当)