今日の英会話のワンポイントは... 11月2015年 English Event

すごく楽しかった! / We had a lot of fun!

To all of you who joined Sendai's Sensei's first English event on November 21st... Thank you so much!

Sendai's Sensei の11月21日の最初のEnglish event に参加してくれた皆さん......どうもありがとう!

Everyone had a fantastic time! It was a great chance for our students to talk with us, and for all of us to meet new people. Personally, I was really impressed with how well everyone got along and how much fun we had together.


All of the students did an excellent job at communicating in English. As for myself and the other teachers, we had a great time playing English games and doing various English activities with all the students!


We are all really looking forward to the next Sendai's Sensei event! I hope even more of you are able to join us next time.

次回の Sendai's Sensei のイベントを今からとても楽しみにしています!参加する人がもっと増えるといいです。

If possible, please participate in our next event which we will hold in spring.


Let's have fun together!


Sendai's Sensei[ブライアン・ストラトフォード]

埼玉県川越市菅原町11-18 サングレイス(事務局)
