'いいね!' / 'Like!'
一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!
I am relatively new to the world of blogging and social media. However, thanks to my good friend Mr.
Akama at Magical Remix, I am learning more and more about website management, Facebook and many other things!!
According to my good friend Mr.Akama, the more people I get to click on the 'いいね!' button on the bottom
of the screen... the more it increases the accessibility of my homepage! The more 'いいね!'s, the better!!
友達の赤間さんによれば、沢山の人が私のFacebookの画面の下にある、"いいね" をクリックしてくれると、私のホームページのアクセス率がとても高くなります!!なので、たくさんの "いいね!"
Up until this point I have been very fortunate. Many wonderful people have been kind enough to click on
the 'いいね!' button on this homepage. To all of you who have done so, I say THANK YOU EVERYONE!! Your kind support is greatly appreciated!
これまでとても私はとても幸運で、すばらしい人々が親切にもこのホームページの ”いいね!” ボタン をクリックしてくれました。クリックしてくれた沢山の皆さん、THANK YOU
If any of you enjoy reading Bryan's daily English blog, or if any of you are interested in assisting
Sendai's Sensei, please be sure to click on the Facebook, 'いいね!' button located at the bottom of the page.
もしBryan's デイリーENGLISHブログを楽しんで読んでいる方、またSendai's Senseiに興味がある方、是非ホームページの下にある "いいね!"
I sincerely thank all of you for your help!! Let's study English together!

I hope you all remember to visit this blog every day! Take care!