今日の英会話のワンポイントは... We ate while having a lesson. / 食べながらレッスンしました。


一緒に英語を勉強しましょう!Let's study English together!

Today, I had a very good lesson with Y san. We had a lesson while eating delicious food. We ate a delicious dinner at the same family restaurant we always go to. The lesson became more enjoyable.


I really like eating with my students. When we eat together, my students and I can enjoy ourselves very much. Whether eating, watching a sporting event or shopping I really enjoy doing interesting things with my students while we have lessons!


Of course I love having regular cafe lessons, but when we study in a unique place the atmosphere becomes more enjoyable. I'm really looking forward to eating and having a lesson with Y san again next time.


I hope you visit the blog again tomorrow. See you later!

Sendai's Sensei[ブライアン・ストラトフォード]

埼玉県川越市菅原町11-18 サングレイス(事務局)
